With thanks
Filming of the simulation videos and providing their expert clinical knowledge throughout the project.
Anika Fourie – Ghent University, Belgium (Skin Integrity Research Group)
Thomas Cuelenaere – HOGENT, Belgium (Educator & Critical Care specialist)
Valerie Hanssens – Universitair ziekenhuis Brussel, Belgium (Clinical Nurse Specialist, Wound Care)
Elise Dehaes – Universitair ziekenhuis Brussel, Belgium (Critical Care Unit)
Tim Torsy – Odisee University of Applied Sciences (Lecturer) & Ghent University
Dieter Vyt – Arteveldehogeschool, Belgium (Education team leader)
Malin Karlberg Traav – Örebro University, Sweden (Lecturer)
Team Multimedia – HOGENT, Belgium – HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Production & Editing of simulation videos)
Madi van Schalkwyk – South Africa (Graphic- and Web design)
With thanks
The International Expert Panel
Integral part of the PRONEtect project, providing expert opinions regarding academic and clinical needs based on evidence-based literature and experience.
Dimitri Beeckman (Belgium)
Anika Fourie, Steven Smet (Belgium)
Joyce Black, Kathleen Vollman (USA)
Amit Gefen (Israel)
Heidi Hevia Campos (Chile)
Yolanda Walsh (South Africa)
Fiona Coyer (Australia)
Kim LeBlanc (Canada)
Maarit Ahtiala (Finland)